Bem-vindo de volta ao ProxyScrape! Desbloqueie seus poderes na webscraping 🚀

  • Até 40.000 centros de dados proxies
  • HTTP and Socks5 protocol supported
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • Conexões simultâneas ilimitadas
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Confiado por milhares de Desenvolvedores em

Nossos produtos

Residencial Proxies

Experience maximum success and speed with our 48M+ Residential proxy pool. Our ethically sourced proxies are guaranteed to get you around restrictions, suspensions, and blocks with 99.9% success rate and 0.8 sec response time.

48M+ back-connect rotating IP addresses all around the world

HTTP & Socks5 protocol for greater control and flexibility

Conexões simultâneas ilimitadas

99.9% success rate and quick 2 second response time for fast and reliable performance

De origem ética e com o respaldo de um monitoramento de tempo de atividade 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana e uma garantia de tempo de atividade de 99,9%

Suporte 24/7

Premium Proxies

Our premium proxies are the top choice for fast and reliable performance you can trust. With over 40 000 proxies and a 99% success rate, these proxies offer unmatched speed, security, and privacy for all your online activities.

Velocidade e confiabilidade inigualáveis para todas as suas necessidades on-line

Largura de banda ilimitada e conexões simultâneas para lidar com tarefas de alto volume e acessar várias fontes de dados

Recursos avançados como 3 slots de autenticação de IP e integração de API para maior controle e personalização

Monitoramento de tempo de atividade 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana e garantia de tempo de atividade de 99,9% para um serviço confiável e sempre disponível

Large pool of 40k HTTP & Socks5 datacenter proxies for maximum flexibility

Dedicado Proxies

For the ultimate in control and customization, our dedicated proxies are the way to go. With IPs that belong exclusively to you and unlimited bandwidth and concurrent connections, you have the resources you need to handle even the most sensitive tasks.

Endereços IP privados para o máximo de controle e personalização

Largura de banda ilimitada e conexões simultâneas para atividades ilimitadas

Velocidades de até 1 Gbps

Autenticação de IP e integração de API para maior controle e personalização

Alta redundância e capacidade para desempenho ininterrupto

Suporte por bate-papo ao vivo 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, para responder a quaisquer perguntas, exatamente quando você precisar.

O que faz de nós a melhor escolha

Velocidade e confiabilidade

Our proxy services are the most reliable in the industry, offering unmatched speed and security for all your online activities. With a powerful proxy network and optimized performance, you can securely access the data you need without worrying about getting blocked or having your data compromised.

Flexível e seguro

ProxyScrape offers flexible options for secure access to 40K HTTP & Socks5 datacenter proxies with unlimited bandwidth and connections, as well as 48M+ rotating residential IPs with a 99.9% success rate. Upgrade to private dedicated HTTP/S proxies for added security and reliability.

Comprometida com práticas éticas

Our proxy services are fully compliant with all relevant regulations and laws, ensuring that you can use them with confidence. From ethical sourcing to data privacy and security, we take every precaution to ensure that our proxies are used responsibly and ethically.

Qualidade e desempenho

ProxyScrape guarantees the quality of its service and stands by the reliability of our proxies with a 99% uptime guarantee. Our powerful proxy network gives you unmatched speed, security, and privacy you need to keep your operations running smoothly.

Faça mais com ProxyScrape

Desempenho rápido e confiável

Our optimized proxies ensure fast and stable connections with a 99% uptime guarantee. You can access the data you need without worrying about slow or unstable connections. Our powerful proxy network guarantees fast and reliable performance you can trust.

Aprimore seus recursos on-line

Get access to high-performance proxies for web scraping, market research, SEO monitoring, e-commerce, website testing, cybersecurity, ad verification, brand protection, and more.

Satisfação e suporte ao cliente

Our 24/7 support ensures that our customers can get the help they need whenever they need it, and our high retention rate of over 37,000 satisfied customers attests to the quality of our products and services.

Legítimo, de alta qualidade Proxies

Ensure your success with ethically sourced proxies that are of the highest quality. ProxyScrape is dedicated to acquiring residential proxies in a way that is both ethical and transparent. We have a comprehensive process in place to ensure that our proxies are obtained and used in a manner that is transparent and accountable. We also have measures in place for monitoring usage and taking preventative action to ensure that our proxies are not used for any unethical or illegal purposes. We are fully compliant with data protection laws and believe in prioritizing the privacy rights of our users.

Gerenciando Proxies com facilidade

Get more done in less time with our easy-to-use dashboard. Manage your proxies, view performance analytics and access customer support within an intuitive interface designed to maximize efficiency.

Enjoy unlimited concurrent connections, 24/7 support, fast & reliable performance, and an extensive datacenter proxy pool to help you get the job done.

  • Gerencie suas listas proxy
  • Autenticações IP
  • Upgrades de conta
  • Chaves e documentação da API
  • Proxy Verificador
  • Base de conhecimento
  • Solicitações de recursos

Streamline Your Workflow With ProxyScrape API

Unlock the power of automation and take your operations to the next level with our ProxyScrape API. Easily and quickly download & authenticate your proxies with your software, allowing you to save time and resources while collecting data.

ProxyScrape Verificador de Proxy

Desempenho e confiabilidade dos testes

Test the speed and performance of your proxies and identify and remove dead or slow proxies to optimize your pool.

Garantir a segurança e o anonimato

Verify the country, location, and anonymity level of your proxies to ensure they provide sufficient level of privacy and security.

Verificar a estabilidade da conexão

Verifique de forma rápida e fácil o status do seu proxies para garantir que ele esteja funcionando corretamente, minimizando os problemas de conectividade.

Grátis Proxy List

  • Fresh and reliable proxy list: Our public proxy list page provides a free open proxy list scraped from various sources, checked 24/7 for freshness.
  • Wide range of proxy types: Choose from Socks4, Socks5, and HTTP proxies to find the one that best fits your needs.
  • Easy access and download options: The proxy list can be downloaded in a text file format (.txt) or accessed directly via our proxy API for easy use.
Obtenha uma lista gratuita em proxy