Category: Scraping

Web Scraping For Beginners: Basics & Framework Using Python

Web scraping is the art of extracting data from a website in an automated and well-structured form. There could be different formats for scraping data like excel, CSV, and many more. Some practical use cases of web scraping are market research, price monitoring, price intelligence, market research, and lead generation. Web scraping is an instrumental

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Web Scraping for Lead Generation: Thousands of Leads at Your Fingertips

Why Lead Generation Matters Lead generation is an essential part of growing your business. If your sales team doesn’t have leads to approach, they can’t do their job. Cold-calling prospects is rarely effective, especially for brands that sell higher-value products where there’s some friction to the idea of making a purchase. Every Sale Started as

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Scrapy vs Beautiful Soup for Web Scraping

The most famous Python libraries for web scraping are Scrapy and Beautiful Soup, but each library comes with its pros and cons. Nothing is perfect in this world. Sometimes one library surpasses the other and vice versa. In this article, we will analyze both libraries with different aspects so the readers may have a better

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How web scraping is used to perform better in marketing

For marketers, it has always been the top priority to surpass others and emerge differently and successfully. These days launching a good product or fantastic service is not enough to capture the market. It requires a lot of analysis and a good implementation strategy to be on the top. For reliable research and analysis, it

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Web Crawling vs. Web Scraping: How Are They Different?

Do you need to find large amounts of data online for research or marketing purposes, but you’re unsure how to go about this in a timely way? You don’t need to spend hours copying and pasting data or hiring additional contractors. Instead, you may want to consider web scraping services. People often get web scraping

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The Complete Guide to Proxies for Web Scraping

Web Scraping has become insanely popular among IT professionals and even intruders. You might be using the right tools for web scraping. But you cannot overlook the importance of proxies as a middleman between the scraping software and your target website. While there are numerous benefits to using proxies, you need to factor in deciding

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